Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I am from...

I am from a family with nine kids who always play fight, chaotic family get togethers and Mom kissing boo-boos and making things right.

I am from swimming pools and water slides, swing sets and wagon rides.

I am from a house with too many cars in the drive, Timbertown, late night ice cream runs and friends that make you feel alive.

I am from a family who loves Grandma's bread homemade, the yummy dish and a yearly birthday wish.

I am from the neighborhood with the crazy lawnmower man, bumpy streets and parks where as a child I played and made secret plans.

I am from a family of professional chefs and pastry chefs where every family meal is always the best!

I am from a family of "I love you the mostest every time!" and just being together makes everything fine.

I am from a home where my three children live, love and breathe; watch movies, dream and play make believe.

I am from a family who keeps memories and love close in their hearts, even when we go on new adventures and need a fresh start.


  1. This piece was very well organized and it flowed freely. Given your comment concerning your families cooking talents, you should feed the class next Tuesday. ;)

  2. water slides- like the slip & slides? i loved mine and i think i got hurt a few times because of the daredevil boyish attitude. i have you beat with the kids, i have five. see ya
